Tuesday 8 May 2012

Ted Baillieu to turn Victoria into another Pilbara!!!

Q & A was particulalry dismal last night. What a miserable lot! Why are people not stating the bleeding obvious, that there are more than two political parties and more than two choices?

VOTE GREEN! Voting GREEN is the answer to the tired old two party dilemma. Just do it people.
How can the Greens do more for human rights and the environment without your vote?

Everyday I am asked why the Greens aren't doing something about specific issues:
about the Fukishima disaster which is threatening to become a global concern;
about Australia's uranium and coal exports which add to the problems of radioactive waste and greenhouse gas emissions;
about the fact that we are digging up the last of our wilderness and the last savannah wilderness in the world, the Kimberely and prime farming lands in Queensland and NSW for coal, gas and coal seam gas;
about the pathetic treatment of the renewables industry;
about disability support and centerlink payment decreases;
about the forests which State Governments want to decimate;
about the decimation of the Kimberely and the destruction of sacred sites;
about the fact that Ted Baillieu said he wants to turn Victoria into another Pilbara;
about the Baillieu Government's withdrawal of funds from threatened species programs;
about marriage equality;
about the preservation of our farming land;
about saving the Murray darling Basin and all our wet lands, rivers and waterways;
about bloomin' cane toads;
about our struggling education system;
about funding for TAFE and universities;
about child abuse and the problems in child protection and social services;
about the abuse of women;
about koalas and the terrible loss of species in Australia everyday...especially Western Australia and Queensland;
about ocean acidification;
about plastic waste and packaging;
about Genetic Modification;
about our first peoples and their right to self determination;
about our health system and the shortage of doctors and dentists;
about animal welfare;
about maintaining workers rights and decent working conditions;
about the overseas buy up of Australian farming land;
about the loss of our manufacturing industry;
about the need for local communities to become self sufficient and sustainable;
about biofuel from waste;
about empowering individual Australians through the support of small businesses and the curtailing of large coorporations;
about reveging Australia;
about the salination of good farming land;
about human induced climate change;
about teaching music, the arts and history in schools;
about pollution and chemicals on our food and in our water;
about the desperate need for decent public bloody transport, not new bypasses and freeways;
about the sexualisation of children through the media and via the internet.

Oh and by the way, Australia is not a highly taxed country. Here is the proof. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150740730989397&set=a.10150564539594397.374037.100162559396&type=1&theater

Here are some of the amazing things just a few Greens in Government have either been able to instigate or influence over the passed few years.
#a price on greenhous gases ( the so called 'carbon tax' though it is not a tax and it is not carbon!)
#compensation for fireman effected by chemicals
#bike and bus lanes in Melbourne
#a Bill passed by the Vic Upper House but not discussed in the Lower House...for a 10c container deposit levy
# raising the stakes on marriage equality
# the pulp mill
Here's what the boss, Christine Milne, says about the budget. http://christine-milne.greensmps.org.au/content/media-releases/good-teeth-bad-brains-fairer-budget-no-plan-future

Go on...go to the Australian Greens website and see the rest. We are an amazing group of people and we never, ever give up!
If the world is destroyed by human induced climate change it will not be because the Greens have not fought the good and tireless fight.
COME ON PEOPLE, be a part of the solution and join the fastest growing political party in Australia, THE GREENS!

The 'New Pilbara'?
Dear Lisa,
Did you see the front page of the Age yesterday?
Martin Ferguson was on it, alongside (as is usually the case whenever Fergo is involved) some disastrous news. The Federal and Victorian governments, he declared, are currently working together to transform Victoria's deposits of brown coal into a mining and export hub on the scale of the Pilbara region or the Hunter Valley.
There is enough brown coal in Victoria to push our planet past the brink of dangerous climate change if it was all burnt. And if Minister Ferguson has his way, that is exactly what will happen. His comments were made to a government-funded internatinal 'low-rank coal symposium' held this week in Melbourne. Happily, Quit Coal was at the symposium as well, with nine of our activists slipping past the 20 police on guard. Inside they gave delegates from Korea, China, Russia, Indonesia and Japan a flyer containing information about the risks involved in investing in Victorian coal.
But it's going to take more than a flyer to stop these insane plans becoming a reality.  We need to work together to build so much community opposition to these plans that investors won't take a risk on them and the pollies either abandon them or are voted out of office.
Can you get involved or donate to help Quit Coal out? We've never needed you more.

 Good News – HRL On Ice
The week was not all bad news however, with HRL stopping all work on their planned new 600MW new coal-fired power station as a result of a condition placed upon them in the ruling handed down recently by VCAT.
The ruling stated that HRL cannot be built unless an equivalent amount of coal-fired generation is shut down in Victoria. And while there is a possibility of such a shut down happening, this nonetheless poses yet another important delay for HRL's project. Given that the Federal government has pledged that the company has only until the middle of the year to meet the conditions of their grant, this could well be the final straw for HRL.
Until we are sure, however, Quit Coal will continue to campaign vigorously to ensure that HRL doesn't go ahead.
Help us to Stop HRL and the government's insane plans to poison our planet with brown coal exports. Join us here, or help our campaigns by donating here.

Quit Coal
PO Box 222
FITZROY, Victoria3065

Add us to your address book

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