Thursday 15 May 2014

Did Pyne call Shorten a 'c***'?

I'm not at all surprised that Christopher Pyne called Bill Shorten a 'c#@%'! And I'm even less surprised that he got away with it.

A friend who had flown to Canberra to hear Greens Senator Richard Di Natale's maiden speech, related this story to me.

When Richard, who is very polite and respectful of all, walked down the aisle to his new seat in the Senate chamber to give his first Senate speech in 2011, his heart was full of pride for Australia. He was in awe of the country that had given him, the young son of almost illiterate immigrants, the opportunity to achieve so much and to eventually become one of the law makers and leaders of Australia. It's a remarkable and inspiring story.

But on the way down that aisle his heart fell when Liberal Senators began to heckle him. They called him every name you can think of as well as saying to this accomplished medical doctor such things as 'have you taken yer drugs today Greenie' and 'go hug a tree bloody hippy greenie'.

But Richard took his place in the Senate and looked up at the visitors gallery to his beaming parents, siblings, wife and friends. He gave a beautiful speech and when he finished, everyone in the chamber rose to their feet to applaud him.

Both Labor and Liberal are guilty of bigotry and vilification but the Liberals have shown us that they have very little regard for anyone who is not one of their members and they have no qualms demonstrating their disdain openly and publicly. The strange thing is that they generally get away with it.

Here is Richard's maiden speech.

And here is his response to the recent budget.
Regards to all,
Lisa Owen

If not Us, then Who?
If not Now, then When?
If not Here, then Where?

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