Our democracy is possibly the best functioning democracy in the world, yet the desire for power often leads to a lowering of standards.

It’s a sad day when a
supposedly ‘left wing’ party, such as the ALP, preferences extreme right,
racist, climate change deniers over candidates representing social justice, a
sustainable environmental and clean energy prosperity. We expect the Liberals to preference the
Greens last, but it always saddens me when the very party the Greens are
accused of being in collaboration with, also preferences us last!
No wonder so many have lost respect for politics and politicians and are now referring to the two tired parties as the ‘Laberals’ with the Greens being the only true opposition. Many voters are now thinking for themselves and despite what it says on HowToVote cards, they are directing their preferences to the party with decent, inclusive and egalitarian values. Even though the ALP has lowered its standards, many of their voters are bright enough not to follow suit! And that goes for a growing number of concerned Liberal voters as well.
No wonder so many have lost respect for politics and politicians and are now referring to the two tired parties as the ‘Laberals’ with the Greens being the only true opposition. Many voters are now thinking for themselves and despite what it says on HowToVote cards, they are directing their preferences to the party with decent, inclusive and egalitarian values. Even though the ALP has lowered its standards, many of their voters are bright enough not to follow suit! And that goes for a growing number of concerned Liberal voters as well.
All candidates are worthy of respect but bad policies
deserve no such respect. Here in the South West Coast electorate of Western Region, both ALP's Roy Reekie and the Liberal's Denis Napthine, our Premier, belong to parties that
have been responsible for the potential rise of fracking in SW Vic, that
threatens our farmland and the underground water upon which it all depends.
We all know that the Liberals want an eleven storey milk factory
close to the heart of Warrnambool and we all know that even though Roy Reekie
says he’s against it, his Party is not.
Only the Greens are 100% committed to fighting this inappropriate
industrial development. The local Greens and Greens at all levels of government work with and fight for our community not just during elections, but all the time.
We all know that both Liberal and Labor are responsible for the sad situation of our training sector. Local Green residents have been participating on boards and as teachers, trying to help save and rebuild this vital part of our community. If you want to save TAFE, then you can only truly trust the Greens to stick to their ideals and follow through.
Only the Greens are 100%
committed to fighting for renewable energy and local industries such as
Keppel Prince. We're determined to keep fighting the climate denying and
fossil fuel funded Liberals and ALP.
We are you. We are the SW community. We come from and fight for every walk of life, race and creed and that includes farmers, small business people, community groups and organisations, local government, trainers and teachers, artists, fishers, hospitality, tourism, blue collar workers, ambulance drivers, nurses, doctors, fire fighters and all residents. Many who read this know from personal experience, that it's all true. Support those who support you and Vote 1 Green!