Sorry to bear tidings of such bad news but in the light of recent events and collective behaviours, I feel compelled to let you know that, despite the fact that all humans are born on this planet (and presumably all raised by other humans), many, many who appear to be regular, garden variety homo sapiens, are in fact aliens in disguise.
Please pause for a moment and ask yourself why it is that the MAJORITY of Australians always elect either Labor or Liberal, despite the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers by both of those parties. Is it that Australians can't think beyond the number two even though, as I said, the policies of those parties are unacceptable OR is it that most Australians approve of those inhumane policies?
...but when the issue of asylum seekers or climate change or education or health care are raised, I unexpectedly discover that they're not who I thought they were. They are, in fact, strange creatures who speak an alien language with long, flickering, forked tongues.

At the mention of asylum seekers, otherwise kindly people suddenly spew forth mean spirited vulgarities. Gentle old men, who are delighted to sit at my table and share my home-made boiled fruit cake, inevitably rabbit on about the 'bloody Muslims terrorists', aborigines and 'dole bludgers'. And then, while I'm trying to find the lid to the cake tin and a reasonable excuse to cut the unpleasant conversation short, they take another piece of cake and inform me that the present changes in climate are perfectly natural, not caused by humans and nothing to worry out. 'Bring on fossil fuels and forget all that climate change, global, communist, Greenie conspiracy nonsense!' they say.
Being a genuine, pure pedigree HUMAN being with compassion and ethical standards, in order to avoid any unpleasantness (my husband is laughing now) I do try to respond patiently and with impeccable manners (while resisting the urge to hit them over the head with the cake tin, pull the chair out from under them and boot them out the door).

These terrifying imposters can be anyone: doctors, lawyers, train drivers, lecturers, plumbers, dentists and even one's (my) own father. They may belong to any religion and have been born in any country. They could be you or me! Well...not me.
Sometimes, after watching the news or talking to my neighbour or the electrician, I feel an overwhelming fear that aliens may have already taken over the human race. Here in Australia, they've elected their very own alien Prime Minister. Aliens everywhere must be rejoicing. I imagine that every evening after a busy day destroying the Earth and persecuting the poor and marginalised, they climb into their flying saucers and have raucous, champagne swilling, cigar smoking parties.
I despair. I mean, what can we humans realistically do about this mindless, multi-dimensional, digital, inhumane, consumerist invasion, exploitation and destruction of our planet? Unfortunately, being REAL HUMANS with ethics, we can't actually treat aliens unkindly or inhumanely; though we do have a bit of a laugh at their expense and sometimes create witty memes for the entertainment of those humans who can still read...a bit... and who communicate on social media.
We have no time to inoculate them all with REAL HUMAN DNA so what can we do? Neither words nor pictures nor clever Ted X talks seem to make any difference. Real humans, who share the Earth with these terrifying beings, have tried every caring and ethical technique, largely to no avail.
Aliens are quite often present in the halls of power as corporate executives, politicians, religious leaders and are increasin common in commercial journalism, dominating TV and radio. Many enjoy hunting threatened species and have so much power (money) they seem to get away with practically anything...
Maybe we could bombard them with alien, subliminal re-programming messages via twitter or facebook. Or… could we bribe them with my home made boiled fruit cake? Sadly I've lived long enough and made enough cake to know that they will eat it all, while forcefully spouting absolute, inhumane nonsense ( often spitting cake right onto my face) and then leave without having had one single, reflective, kind thought.
Internment camps for aliens perhaps? But that may be unkind and the last thing we
need to do is to start acting like them. Anyway, we’d probably have to use
force and that could mean war.
I wonder if that's why aliens, especially those who own destructive corporations, have no concern for the environment or care about the
incredible diversity of life found on this beautiful, fragile planet? It's not theirs and we've been so passive and so easily manipulated. Give us a few trinkets and baubles and we'll hand over our Earth, our only home. When
at last they've used up all our resources and ruined our air, land and water,
creating a lifeless planet like all the others they've left behind, will they,
with carefree abandon, board their spaceships and fly away?
But they're in for a very rude shock! They will have no where to fly because we all know, there is no other life filled planet to exploit!
So it looks like it's up to we ethical humans to save the
Earth. I live in hope that soon there'll be Green Governments
in enough countries around the world to legislate the aliens out of power. Then
we can get on with fixing the mess they and so many sleep walking humans have
Maybe you can help? Any help for the Greens is gladly received. We need help with campaigning and all related activities such as door knocking, fund raising and handing out on election days but there are many other jobs waiting to be filled. A small donation would also help us move a little closer to governance.
In the end, it's all up to you.
A hero is someone who has given her life to create a better, kinder, more inclusive and considerate world...and to saving the world from greedy corporations, fossil fuels, pollution and climate change...and who shows respect and kindness to all species on the Earth and beyond.
A hero is someone who has given her life to create a better, kinder, more inclusive and considerate world...and to saving the world from greedy corporations, fossil fuels, pollution and climate change...and who shows respect and kindness to all species on the Earth and beyond.