What a month it's been in Green politics and... it ain't over yet! The Senate Voting Reform Bill that's been Green policy for 20 years and that the Greens have been working on for years, has received a huge response from Labor... in all the wrong ways. I'm pretty sure I've never seen such a reaction from Labor towards the Greens.
We've been accused of making a preference deal with the Liberals among other crazy, untrue things. So many lies are being told. It's very disappointing and very dirty politics. I've tried to explain some of it in a response to an email I received today. If it wasn't so concerning, it would be really funny.
AND now from recent reports LABOR IS making a preference DEAL with the LIBERALS in not one but two seats in Melbourne.
The Greens are right to call them Laboral or LIBLAB.

Here's my response. Feel free to quote, reproduce and send. I hope it firmly sets the record straight.
Thanks for the email. So glad to have a chance to respond to these baseless accusations!
send some links to allay your fears because I can assure you the whole
thing is a media beef up. Not true. NO DEALS! Liberals can say what they
like but that doesn't make it true. Both Labor and Liberal are lying!
I've been told they're running scared because the Greens have a chance
to win some seats from both sides in Melbourne, just on our primary
votes without need of preferences.
Although the Greens have practically nothing in common with the Liberals, we are issues based. So if we have been fighting for an issue like voting reform and the Liberals put forward a Bill that is our policy...no matter the outcome for us but for the greater good of all Australians, we will of course always vote for it.
Although the Greens have practically nothing in common with the Liberals, we are issues based. So if we have been fighting for an issue like voting reform and the Liberals put forward a Bill that is our policy...no matter the outcome for us but for the greater good of all Australians, we will of course always vote for it.
that until earlier this year voting reform was also Labor policy but suddenly they've
changed their minds...probably because, if the Bill is passed, it might
lead to an early election and ALP believe they have more chance of
winning a later election. This voting reform Bill has been refined over
the past 10 years and has been Greens policy for 14 years.
have many bad policies which prevent us from preferencing them. Labor,
by the way, preferences the Liberals over the Greens nearly all the
time! Here are some links to verify my response.
As I said, thank you very much for giving me a chance to respond.
And the list is a whole lot longer than this. ALP sold soul over TPP, Forests, Farming land & rights, Endangered species, Criminalising whistle blowing on detention centers etc .
Do yourselves a favour and listen to Senator Scott Ludlam on voting reform. He does us proud! http://scott-ludlam.greensmps.org.au/content/speeches-parliament/reforming-senate-voting
Do yourselves a favour and listen to Senator Scott Ludlam on voting reform. He does us proud! http://scott-ludlam.greensmps.org.au/content/speeches-parliament/reforming-senate-voting