Our little enviro group held two stalls. On Saturday we set up in the hall at the Emmanuel Sustainability Festival and on Sunday we made an awful mess outside Safeway.
We arraneged a very, very messy stall. It was most unappealing and very unattractive. Penny had spent weeks collecting used cans and drink containers from smelly pubs...ppeewww...so that she could pile them all up around her CAR with signs about how the Baillieu Govt refuses to support a 10c container deposit levy (introduced by the Greens and passed in the upper house). We had petitions laid on, a raffle of enviro cleaning aids, and Colleen Hartland's gorgeous postcards (like the John and Betty readers) trying to persuade Ted Baillieu to pass the scheme. (Good luck with that Colleen!)
Our fry up attracted some rather reluctant attendees and the Tin Shed Singers serenaded shoppers with environmental songs such as 'Drunken Sailor' but with better words...A one and a two and a three ' What shall we do with empty bottle, What shall we do with the empty bottle, What shall we do with the empty bottle Earlye in the morning? Back to the vendors- they won't take it, Back to the vendors they won't take it Back to the vendors they won't take it Earlye In the morning...Chorus....Verse " Throw it with the others on the Princes H'way, Throw it with the others on the Princes H'way, Throw it with the others on the princes H'way Earlye In the morning!"."In a street bin then to landfill, In a street bin then to landfill, In a street bin then to landfill earlye in the morning!" "Save them for the scouts. Oh that's now history, Save them for the scouts. Oh, that's now history, Save them for the Scouts. Oh that's now history, Earlye in the morning." " Take them home and fill the yellow bin, Take them home and fill the ..." " Refund over on South Australia, Refund over in South Australia...." " What shall we do with the empty bottle....etc" Hurray for the Tin Shed singers. Just wish there'd been a few more there to hear it!!!!!!
Anway congratulations again to us and especially to Penny for a stirling and enjoyable result!!!! Drat....didn't get that book read...heading off to a warm bed now.
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